BeReal, the New 'Unfiltered' Social Media App - Will it Provide Authenticity?
In an effort to keep its users from migrating to BeReal, TikTok recently announced the launch of a new feature called TikTok now that somewhat mimics the core features of BeReal. This new feature will prompt users at random times throughout the day and give them a 10-second window to share what they are doing with their friends using both their front and back cameras.
Since the app's creation, BeReal has focused on encouraging authenticity in the online world. Its recent rise and popularity has served as a wake-up call to big platforms that people are sick of the filtered lifestyles on social media and that they crave authenticity and realism.
But with tech giants like TikTok and Meta introducing features similar to BeReal core functions, it raises the question of how long the BeReal frenzy will last. Is their value proposition strong enough to compete with other tech giants and stand the test of time? Or will the big tech giants be able to copy them out of business?
Well, time would tell.